Sometimes it is worthwhile to be a little gutsy and go curbing in the light of day. After all a girl has got to get her vitamin D and a little touch of sun is good for you too. And sometimes you can find something fab. Something so hidden in a pile of overwhelming debris that you wouldn't dare approach at night. Whether you fear something small and furry might already be exploring or you really don't want to catch something dreadful by running up against something truly horrid. (Believe me--its not always so easy being a slightly oc, shy, type a, germaphobe curber!) You might just have missed the most glorious find.
Just look at this wonderful candelabra that my mom and I found! We like to do this together when we can and she claimed dibs on this one. Isn't it exquisite? The pics just don't do justice to the glorious patina. I am not sure of the age of this but it certainly looks to date to the early 20th century. I think it might have come from a garden or possibly a church but for right now, it has found a new home on my mom's porch .
At the same place where we found this, there were all sorts of goodies including some vintage iron salvage pieces that still had tags from an antique shop on them. I will be sure to share them in future posts. The gentleman of the home was very graciously pointing out certain treasures he thought that my mom and I would appreciate and encouraging us to take them with us as he continued to pull out goodies while doing some spring cleaning.
I would love to find some sort of citronella chunky pillars to put out on it to keep those pesky mosquito's away when she is entertaining on her porch. Especially since they seem to think I am the human equivalent of Dom Perignon. Does anyone know of any place that sells them?